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Save 43%

iKayaa Metal Drawer Filing Cabinet Detachable Mobile Steel File Cabinets w/ 5 Drawers 4 Casters

iKayaa Metal Drawer Filing Cabinet Detachable Mobile Steel File Cabinets w/ 5 Drawers 4 Casters


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 115.66 EUR 65.46
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Product Details

Features: 5 labels included for marking contents of drawers. Slots for label on each drawer so you can easily keep things organized and easily findwhat you are looking for. Vertical file cabinet with 5 metal drawers, large space. Sliding suspension in smooth and quiet drawer performance. Cold-rolled steel construction with thickness up to 0.5mm, anti-corrosion, waterproof and dustproof. Chrome plated handle, smooth, anti-corrosion, and durable for your frequent use. Width: 11, depth: 16.1, height:27.2. Easy to assemble, clean carewith detachable design, 4 casters make it easy to move around even on carpet floor.


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