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Save 44%

Electric Nail Clipper USB Rechargeable Nail Trimmer Clipper

Electric Nail Clipper USB Rechargeable Nail Trimmer Clipper


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 46.50 EUR 25.86
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Product Details

Features: [One Button Control]Just press the button, the electric nail clipper will finish cutting nails, trim nails, file nails, and store the nail debris at the same time. [Humanized Design]The small trash case built into the nail trimmer will collect all the cut nails, so you don't have to worry about public cleaning problems. [Safe to Use]The blade is hidden behind a slot that protects fingers. The automatic nail trimmer is absolutely safe when your fingers touch the slots directly. [USB Rechargeable]Electric nail clipper built-in 500mah Li-battery and USB charging cable, which can trim the nails 60 times after fully charged. [Widely Applicable]The electric nail manicure tool is suitable for infants, babies, toddlers, kids, children, adults, the elderly, boys and girls, men and women, etc.


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