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WIFI Water Underfloor Heating 3A Thermostat with Application & Voice Control 3.5 Inch LCD Display Intelligent Programmable Thermostat Child Lock Weather Forecast

WIFI Water Underfloor Heating 3A Thermostat with Application & Voice Control 3.5 Inch LCD Display Intelligent Programmable Thermostat Child Lock Weather Forecast


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 66.99 EUR 36.99
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Product Details

Features: [Smart Control]Supports application operation, easier for scheduling programs, set functions, and checks current states by the application. [Weekly-programmable]Smart thermostat support up to 6 events that can be set separately for each day. [Voice Control]You can use voice control through Google Home and Amazon Alexa for smart thermostats. [Multifunctional]With a 3.5inch large LCD screen, support weather forecast, frost protection function, child lock function, etc. [Child Lock]The thermostat cannot be controlled when the child lock is activated so as to avoid misuse by children due to curiosity.


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