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350mL Cute Duck Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser Touchless Foaming Soap Dispenser USB Powered Desktop Infrared Soap Dispenser for Home Kitche Toilet Office Hotel

350mL Cute Duck Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser Touchless Foaming Soap Dispenser USB Powered Desktop Infrared Soap Dispenser for Home Kitche Toilet Office Hotel


+ 6.00% Cashback

EUR 45.99 EUR 31.32
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Product Details

Features: [Duck Shaped]Hands-free foam soap dispensers with cute duck-shaped attract children and encourage children to wash their hands regularly. [Foam Mode]The dispenser produces the right amount of dense, rich foam that cleanses your hands better and requires less water to rinse off than washing directly with regular soap. [Infrared Smart Sensor]Hand-free soap dispenser comes with a built-in accurate infrared smart sensor and put a hand under the IR sensor to start using. [Waterproof]The bottom of the soap dispenser is a waterproof detachable water tank, which can be placed next to the washbasin. [USB Powered]Built-in 1200mAh battery. It supports USB charging and does not need to replace the battery.


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