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Save 58%

1100W Sous Vide Cooker Waterproof Quiet Cooking Machine with Accurate Temperature Time Control Display Screen Cookbook

1100W Sous Vide Cooker Waterproof Quiet Cooking Machine with Accurate Temperature Time Control Display Screen Cookbook


+ 6.00% Cashback

USD 168.07 USD 69.99
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Product Details

Features: [Low Temperature Cooking] 360 strong water cycle, 3D multidirectional heat penetration, ensuring the food is thoroughly cooked, preserving delicate fibres, tender texture, and healthy nutrients. [Operation Board Display Screen] Temperature can be adjusted accurately through operating panel control and smartphone APP control, with clear touchscreen, easy to adjust; perfect for cooking meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc. [Timing Function] Support time setting from 1 minute to 99 hours and 59 minutes, when cooking is done, an alarm signal will buzz, effectively avoiding overcooking; low noise, does not disturb working and sleeping. [Premium Material] Made from high-quality ABS and stainless steel, easy to clean and dry out, no odor, secure to use, good for healthier cooking. [Comes with Cookbook] A good helper for making sauce chutney, cooking meat, and more, making cooking easier, just enjoy the time being in kitchen.


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