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Glass Rinser for Kitchen Sink Bottle Cups Washer for Sink Attachment Bar Glass Rinser ABS Kitchen Sink Accessories with Soft Water Tube

Glass Rinser for Kitchen Sink Bottle Cups Washer for Sink Attachment Bar Glass Rinser ABS Kitchen Sink Accessories with Soft Water Tube


+ 6.00% Cashback

USD 52.06 USD 30.99
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Product Details

Features: Easy to Use: Put the cup mouth down, press the bottom of the cup, and the rinser will automatically spray water for cleaning. When the cup is cleaned, take out the cup and stop spraying water automatically. Quick Powerful Cleaning: The glass rinser has a five-hole nozzle that can achieve 360 high-pressure cleaning, saving time and effort, removing the stains fast. Cleaning Various Cups: The glass rinser can quickly clean the places that can not be touched easily inside the cup, very suitable for cleaning bottles, coffee cups, wine glasses, baby bottles, etc. Simple to Install: Simple DIY replacement soap dispenser, kitchen sprayer, or sinkhole cover. You can install the glass rinser by yourself in just a few minutes. Solid ABS + Stainless Steel Material: Main material is ABS, and the connector is made of stainless steel, lightweight and durable, not easy to rust.


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