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6.00% Cashback

Smart LCD Touchscreen Thermostat for Home Programmable Electric Floor Heating System Water Heating Thermoregulator AC 85-250V Temperature Controller

Save 45%
USD 43.46
USD 25.99
+ 6.00% Cashback
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Product Details

Features: Touch screen heating thermostat, easy to install and use and conveniently fits in with your lifestyle. Program it based on your schedule to cut your electricity bills.Flexible programmable periods: 5-2 day or 6-1 day. In the state of shutdown, low temperature anti freezing function will auto on when it is lower than 5℃; and overheating protection will start when it is over 7℃ for protecting the floor. Manual mode and programmable mode can be selected with 3 meters external sensor. 6 Modes of programmable function for controlling temperature time setting. Set in hours and minutes are available. Keypad locking function to prevent the kids from misusing. Memory function when power failure, protect your setting from power failure.

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