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Grow Gorgeous Sensitive Overnight Mask (30ml)

Grow Gorgeous Sensitive Overnight Mask (30ml)


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 32 AED 10
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Product Details

Soothe and calm the scalp with Grow Gorgeous’ Sensitive Overnight Mask. Forming a part of the brand’s dermatologically tested Sensitive range, the mask seeks to gently refresh and cleanse the scalp. Formulated for use once or twice a week, this targeted treatment helps to minimise the appearance of redness and targets flaking, while working to provide the strands with an intensive moisture boost. Olive-derived ceramide seeks to balance the scalp and reduce itchiness, helping to provide the hair with that much-needed extra care. Vegan and gluten-free. 100% recyclable packaging. Fragrance-free.


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