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Valentine\'s Day Gift Rose Flower Bouquet Luminous Bobo Balloon With LED Lights

Valentine's Day Gift Rose Flower Bouquet Luminous Bobo Balloon With LED Lights


+ 12.00% Cashback

USD 14 USD 9
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Product Details

About this item Luminous Balloon Rose Bouquet - Balloons 35 cm after inflated, 50cm LED light handles.LED string lights - powed by 2 AA Batteries(Not included) For love,buy a balloon,let the balloon to help you express,let the balloon to convey true love.Our glowing rose balloons can also be used as decorations for weddings, parties, and holidays, making all of your special days even more memorable. Rose stand for love, which you can convey your love to your girlfriend, friends or family, to celebrate the romantic festival together.This will give you a wonderful memory. The set is not pre-assembled, you need to DIY by yourself with these materials, you need to pump the artificial rose into the balloon, inflate it, fix it with balloon holder, decorate with string lights and wrap it.


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