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Face Mask With Clear Window Visible Expression For Lip Reading With Eyes Shield

Face Mask With Clear Window Visible Expression For Lip Reading With Eyes Shield


+ 12.00% Cashback

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Product Details

Package Include:One Piece Protect our safety:Wearing masks is one way to curb the spread ,but to the deaf community, a mask that hides someone’s mouth can be a literal barrier to effective communication. Solve Communication Barriers:Facial expressions and lip-reading are key for deaf people to understand others, so communicating without risking their health became a serious problem for the deaf community that called for an immediate solution. Answer questions based on emoticons:The transparent section that makes the wearer’s lips visible, making lip-reading and making out the speaker’s facial expressions possible. MULTIFUNCTIONAL DESIGN: may ways to wear it - neckerchief, headband, Bandana, hair-band, balaclava Bandana, scarf, seamless Bandana, beanie, bandana, mouth Bandana etc. WIDELY USED: Running, hunting, fishing, hiking, motorcycle, biking, skiing, snowboarding and snowmobile riding, mountain, biking; Perfect for bikers, hikers, outdoor sports, party, festival etc.


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