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Face Print Breathable Mouth M .a. s. k Washable And Reusable

Face Print Breathable Mouth M .a. s. k Washable And Reusable


+ 12.00% Cashback

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Product Details

Pattern Type:Print Package Include:1*Mouse Mask 100% Polyester One Size (approx. 4.3 \\* 7.1\\),adjustable. Made of 100% polyester fiber and made of high-quality fabric, it is very comfortable and easy to wear. Reusable | washable and fast drying. Comfortable | easy breath ability. Provide dust M .a. s. k and anti-infection effects in remote or crowded areas. Great for Outdoor Activities such as cycling, walking, hiking, jogging, running, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, scooting etc. M .a. s. k are well insulated keeping your face warm in the winter cold or blistery wind and protective against the sun.


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