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Save 38%

12PCS Paisley Cowboy Bandanas Head Wrap

12PCS Paisley Cowboy Bandanas Head Wrap


+ 12.00% Cashback

USD 21 USD 13
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Product Details

1.Soft material make your skin feel super comfortable. 2.Perfect to wear with most t-shirt, shirt, blouse and other top, which can add more elegant to your look. 3.The pattern type of printing add more interesting to the scarf, which make you who have strong personality. 4.This item is also a good choice for being your families' and friends' gifts. 5.It is an essential addition to any woman's or girls' wardrobe. 6.The scarf suits for most occasion,such as working, going to school, traveling and more. 7.This shirt is also available in many colors, so you can choose according to your preferences and needs.  Size: 55 * 55 cm   Package include: 12*Scarf


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