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5 Pairs Invisible Adhesive Breast Stickers Chest Lifting Bra Nipple Covers

5 Pairs Invisible Adhesive Breast Stickers Chest Lifting Bra Nipple Covers


+ 12.00% Cashback

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Product Details

Style:Basics Type:Invisible Bra Pattern Type:Plain Occasion:Daily Package Include:5Pairs Nipple Covers Sheer:No Features: Made from premium Non-woven fabric,  comfortable and soft to the touch, makes them perfectly fit in swimwear and bikinis as well.  Simply attach them under your lingerie or swimsuit, they invisibly bring you nice natural curves in both pool parties or daily life. DIRECTION:  There are three different shapes, you can choose, any summer clothes can be used, reducing the constraints of underwear  This is a one-time-use chest patch. Repeated use will result in a weak fit.


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