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Mio Skincare Clay Away Purifying Body Cleanser 200ml

Mio Skincare Clay Away Purifying Body Cleanser 200ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 95 AED 38
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Product Details

Cleanse and purify your body with the Mio Clay Away Purifying Body Cleanser. Giving the body a full detox, this refreshing formula soothes and cleans the skin. Gently formulated, the wash works into a light foam, gliding over the skin to clean to body. Cornish Clay and Montmorillonite Clay Extracts are infused with fine particles that provide a gentle cleansing action, purifying the pores without irritating the skin.Blended with Green Clay, the cleanser uplifts dirt, dead skin cells and impurities from the body without stripping the body of its essential oils. Also infused with Matcha Tea Extract, the body wash provides antioxidant protection, safeguarding the skin against harmful environmental aggressors, such as blue light and pollution. As if that wasn’t enough, Black Willow Bark gently exfoliates the skin, buffing and smoothing the surface to reveal a more even texture. Care for your body as nature intended with this delicate formula.


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