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كرسي تخييم متنقل قابل للطي في الهواء الطلق AGSIVO قابل للطي مع حقيبة تخزين للداخل والخارج

كرسي تخييم متنقل قابل للطي في الهواء الطلق AGSIVO قابل للطي مع حقيبة تخزين للداخل والخارج


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USD 99.99 USD 59.99
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Product Details

الميزات:1. Durable and Anti-Slip Oxford Fabric: With tough and wear-resistant Oxford cloth material, our folding chairs also feature anti-slip properties to keep you safe while using them.2. Portable and Convenient: The fabric and frame of the chair can be easily disassembled and reassembled, allowing for easy storage and transportation in a compact size.3. Reinforced Steel Pipes: Each steel pipe has been reinforced to ensure stability and prevent wobbling or shaking while in use.4. Strong Weight-Bearing: This chair is built to hold up against weight and pressure with its sturdy structure and thickened frame support system.5. Comfortable and Practical Design: Not only is the chair durable and portable, but it's also designed with a comfortable seating structure that provides support and comfort during long periods of use.المواصفات:اللون: بيج، أسود، رمادي، أزرق كحليالحجم الغير مطوي: 66 * 55 * 88 سم/25.98 * 21.65 * 34.65 إنشالوزن: 1.75 كجم الحمولة القصوى: 150 كجمزاوية الظهر: 120 درجةالنسيج: قماش أوكسفورد عالي الكثافةشملت الحزمة:1 * كرسي تخييم1 * حقيبة تخزين


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