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محطة طقس احترافية متعددة الوظائف معبّر منبه لاسلكي للداخل والخارج مع مقياس هطول المطر / درجة الحرارة / الرطوبة / رصد اله

محطة طقس احترافية متعددة الوظائف معبّر منبه لاسلكي للداخل والخارج مع مقياس هطول المطر / درجة الحرارة / الرطوبة / رصد اله


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USD 106.99 USD 49.99
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Product Details

This weather station has large screen display for you to see the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, indoor humidity, outdoor temperature, time, date, moon phase, weather, atmospheric pressure, and so on at a glance, with 100 meters signal reception distance. With a switchable 12/24-hour time system, calendar and week display, weather forecast, alarm clock, and snooze function. And with radio time auto-calibration functions. Multifunctional design, with temperature and humidity measurement, rainfall monitoring, and temperature unit switching between ℃ and ℉.Features:Large Color Display: Large screen display for you to see the indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, indoor humidity, outdoor temperature, time, date, moon phase, weather, atmospheric pressure, and so on at a glance, with 100 meters signal reception distance.Clock Function: With a switchable 12/24-hour time system, calendar and week display, weather forecast, alarm clock, and snooze function. And with radio time auto-calibration functions.Temperature and Humidity Measurement: High precise measurement, detects the temperature and humidity with high accuracy, and transmits the measured data to the host.Intelligent Rainfall Monitoring: The rain gauge detects rainfall and transmits the measured data to the host.Wireless Weather Forecast Clock: Predict the indoor and outdoor weather forecast at the same time, with high accuracy measurement. Support Fahrenheit or Celsius temperature unit switching.Easy to Install:


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