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مولد إشارة متعدد الوظائف مع مولتيميتر وماسح ضوئي رقمي 120 ميجاهرتز شاشة عرض IPS قناة مزدوجة وضع تكبير FFT أداة اختبار مح

مولد إشارة متعدد الوظائف مع مولتيميتر وماسح ضوئي رقمي 120 ميجاهرتز شاشة عرض IPS قناة مزدوجة وضع تكبير FFT أداة اختبار مح


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USD 139.99 USD 112.99
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Product Details

Features:【3In1 Design with IPS Display】: This product ingeniously integrates digital oscilloscope, multimeter, and signal generator functions into one device. 3.2-inch clear-definition IPS display, high sensitivity full view display, channel 2 waveforms can be set to green/ cyan/purple.【Signal Generator】: Built-in waveform signal generator, it can output sinewave, sw, trianglewave, and so on. The voltage amplitude is 2.5V, the frequency is adjustable from 0-2Mhz, and the sw duty cycle is adjustable from 1% to 99%.【High-precise Multimeter】: Built-in true RMS multimeter, that supports quick software calibration. With DC/ACvoltage, DC/ACcurrent, resistance, capacitance, diode, and continuity test. When measuring low voltage /resistance/continuity, the oscilloscope and multimeter functions can be used simultaneously (small window in the upper right corner).【Digital Oscilloscope Function】: Dual channel oscilloscope function, with 120MHz bandwidth and 250MSa/s sampling rate. With perfect trigger function (automatic, single, normal). Supports sensitivity and time base adjustment, automatic mode adjustment, 2-channel waveform analysis, cursor measurement, reference waveforms, FFT spectrum, reference waveforms, waveform save and view.【Sensitivity and Time Base】: The oscilloscope will automatically detect the signal and adjusts the ranges. Support manual adjustment of the waveform vertically and horizontally. The vertical sensitivity indicates the voltage in the vertical direction, and


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