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Slip Silk Sleep Mask (Various Colours) - Caramel

Slip Silk Sleep Mask (Various Colours) - Caramel


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 218 AED 174
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Product Details

Enjoy hours of beauty sleep with the Slip Silk Sleep Mask, a pure silk eye mask that has been specially-commissioned and made to the brand's exacting standards. Inspired by the SlipSilk™ pillowcase, the SlipSilk™ sleep mask is crafted from the highest grade (6A) long fibre mulberry silk with a 22 momme thickness, and has been refined over ten years to provide the ultimate in shine, thickness, softness and durability. Pure silk inside and out, the eye mask has a pure silk filler, silk internal liner and silk-covered elastic band. Crafted under stringent regulations with certified non-toxic dyes, the sleep mask will promote a luxurious, good night's sleep. 100% Silk


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