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ESPA 24hr Replenishing Moisturiser 55ml

ESPA 24hr Replenishing Moisturiser 55ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 320 AED 224
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Product Details

Natural skincare and premium beauty brand ESPA offers dry, thirsty and sensitive skin a cooling burst of refreshing moisture that will last round the clock. Caressing skin with its rich, velvety texture that spreads over skin like butter, the 24 Hour Replenishing Moisturiser nourishes skin with Myrrh, Frankincense and Neroli, while Vitamin E provides antioxidant defence. A blend of Evening Primrose and Jojoba add to the cream’s moisturising action. Apply daily to cleansed skin, after toners and serums, for smooth, supple and radiant skin that’s plump and bouncy.Suitable for all skin types, especially dry and dehydrated skin. Registered by the Vegan Society.


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