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Shiseido Ginza Eau de Parfum Murasaki 90ml

Shiseido Ginza Eau de Parfum Murasaki 90ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 571 AED 371
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Product Details

Envision radiant florals against a backdrop of precious woods. Named in honour of the mesmerising colour of violets and wisterias, Shiseido’s Murasaki EDP embodies modern femininity and strength.Fruity in the opening with a crisp bite and pop of fuji apple and pomegranate jewels, the fragrance centres on a hypnotic heart of enchanting purple flowers, swaying softly in the Spring air. Sandalwood grounds the luminous eau de parfum with an air of musky earthiness. A colour symbolising nobility, power and refinement in Shiseido’s native Japan, the brand make sure to let Murasaki’s rich purple hue shine through its glass bottle, designed with curves to signify the feminine form.Vegan.


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