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Slip Reusable Face Covering - Pink

Slip Reusable Face Covering - Pink


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 179 AED 54
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Product Details

A more comfortable solution to keeping your face covered, the Slip Reusable Face Covering is a sumptuously soft accessory that provides equal amounts form and function. With an outer crafted from pure mulberry silk, which is specially woven to minimise friction and prevent crease marks, the face covering has a luxurious look and feel. Inside, the mask is lined with breathable cotton and sits snugly against your skin. To ensure the perfect fit, the elasticated ear loops and nose wire are fully adjustable to fit the unique contours of your face. Keep your mask clean by machine washing when no longer in use.Outer: 100% Mulberry Silk. Inner: 100% Cotton.Approx. Dimensions: H: 8.5cm x W: 18cm.The slip® reusable face covering is neither a medical device nor Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It should not be used by healthcare professionals, in healthcare/clinical environments or settings, or when the use of a medical device or PPE is required. The slip® reusable face covering is not designed to prevent or protect from any form of risks to a person's health or safety, illness or disease (or otherwise). The slip® reusable face covering does not cause damages to, nor bring additional risks for, users according to its intended use.


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