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Slip Reusable Face Covering (Various Colours) - Black

Slip Reusable Face Covering (Various Colours) - Black


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 179 AED 125
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Product Details

As parents of young boys we are honored to partner with Baby2Baby whom we have admired for a long time. Baby2Baby is a non-profit organization that provides children living in poverty, ages 0-12 years, with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities that every child deserves. Baby2Baby has distributed over 20 million essential items including diapers, formula, soap, shampoo, baby food and more to children across the U.S. impacted by COVID-19. We are proud to announce that slip® will donate to Baby2Baby 5% of the recommended retail price from the sale of each slip® re-usable face covering in the U.S. in the period from June 18 to September 18 2020, with a minimum donation of U.S.$75,000. Wear a face covering... but make it slip® *The slip® reusable face covering is neither a medical device nor personal protective equipment (PPE). It should not be used by healthcare professionals, in healthcare/clinical environments or settings, or when the use of a medical device or PPE is required. The slip® reusable face covering is not designed to prevent or protect from any form of risks to a person's health or safety, illness or disease (or otherwise). The slip® reusable face covering does not cause damages to, nor bring additional risks for, users according to its intended use. Our slip® re-usable face coverings have silk on both sides with a cotton inner layer and are designed to be gentle on your delicate facial skin (yes... the silk touches your face so it is super gentle to wear). 100% silk double sided face covering with a 100% cotton inner Features adjustable elastic earloops and adjustable nose wires Comes with x 10 spare nose wires and x 2 sets of silicone stoppers Do not use this face-covering on: young children under age 2; any person who has trouble breathing; and any person who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the face cover without assistance.


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