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Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturising Serum Dehydrated Skin 40ml

Bioderma Hydrabio Moisturising Serum Dehydrated Skin 40ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 160 AED 136
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Product Details

Bioderma's Hydrabio Serum is a deeply moisturising concentrate that provides instant and lasting hydration. Suitable for all skin types, particularly sensitive and dehydrated complexions, the hydrating daily serum has a refreshing and invigorating texture that melts into skin to leave it feeling immediately nourished and moisturised. Formulated with patented complex Aquagenium™, it helps improve skin's natural moisturising abilities for long-lasting comfort and radiance. Delivers an immediate 'flash' hydration effect. Suitable for all skin types, including very dehydrated, sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic. Non-comedogenic. Allergen free.


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