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AMELIORATE Transforming Scalp Serum 125ml

AMELIORATE Transforming Scalp Serum 125ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 92 AED 37
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Product Details

Give your scalp a boost of hydration while you sleep with the AMELIORATE Transforming Scalp Serum. The leave-in treatment is bursting with moisturising properties that work hard to soothe your extremely dry scalp, helping to calm itchiness.Enriched with celery seed oil, frankincense extract and a blend of minerals, the formula is designed to hydrate the skin’s natural barrier while rebalancing the scalp’s vital bacteria. Lactic acid helps to buff away dead skin cells while the signature LaH6 Skin Hydration Complex offers a blend of oat-based ingredients that help to replenish the scalp with moisture.


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