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Save 59%

Mio Pit Proof Natural Deodorant - Refreshing Eucalyptus 70ml

Mio Pit Proof Natural Deodorant - Refreshing Eucalyptus 70ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 54 AED 22
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Product Details

Keep underarms feeling fresh and dry throughout the day with Mio’s Pit Proof Natural Deodorant. The nourishing formula creates a protective layer over the pits to help minimise body odour, its creamy, lightweight texture offering a non-greasy finish.Mio’s signature Feel-Good Complex helps to leave skin feeling hydrated, while sweet almond oil lends a soothing effect. Presented in 100% recyclable packaging, the deodorant is fragranced with a blend of eucalyptus and Siberian pine essential oils, imparting an uplifting aroma.Aluminium-free.Vegan.


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