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كاميرا سكالبفن CAM500 لمحفري الليزر ، 5 ميجابكسل ، تحديد موقع دقيق ، تتبع الصور ، تسجيل العملية

كاميرا سكالبفن CAM500 لمحفري الليزر ، 5 ميجابكسل ، تحديد موقع دقيق ، تتبع الصور ، تسجيل العملية


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USD 79.99 USD 63.99
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Product Details

الميزة الرئيسية:1. Industrial Camera for Laser Engraver: This industrial assist camera is specially designed for laser engraving machines, which fully matches with the lightburn software. With a true high-definition 5MP, this laser camera can capture clearer images and identify more accurate positioning.2. Precise Positioning: The SCULPFUN CAM500 camera is perfectly fit with the CAM function of the Lightburn software, which can identify the position of engraving objects via the camera, with a positioning deviation of less than 1mm.*Notice: The recommended height from the camera to the engraving position is 325mm. With the camera well aligned, please make the objects as close to the center of the camera as possible, within the 400*400mm working area. The precision will be decreased as the engraving objects are moved away from the camera center.3. Engraving Position Controlling: With the Sculpfun CAM500 Lightburn camera, you can move the pattern onto a certain position of the material through the lightburn software interface. After the setting is complete, the laser machine will engrave the pattern at that position.4. Image Tracing: Sculpfun CAM500 camera module can identify and extract the patterns from the surface of objects such as T-shirt patterns, children's hand-drawn patterns or other simple designs and form engraving vector files, which is super convenient for getting vector files quickly.5. Batch Engraving: Through the laser Lightburn camera, you can add multiple engra


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