JBL Quantum 300 Gaming Headset,Black In competitive gaming, sound is survival, and JBL knows great sound: From the thrill of tracking enemies in FPS games, to engaging in epic MOBA battles, the JBL Quantum 300 amplifies every victory on PC, Mac, Xbox, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.Features JBL Quantum Surround sound technology which is engineered for accuracy and delivers immersive gaming audio for a competitive edge, so users never have to miss a step, shot or jump during gameplay.JBL Quantum 300 gaming headset incorporates a boom microphone with echo cancelling technology, allowing users to focus on their teammates' voice rather than background noise, for crystal clear communication.Memory foam ear cushions on the JBL Quantum 300 headset are covered in soft PU leather, providing comfort for marathon sessions, plus 3.5 mm and USB adapter connections for multi-platform gaming on PC, Mac, Xbox, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.