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Upto 7.00% Cashback

Smartykat® Scratch Not™ Anti Scratch Tape Deterrent For Cat

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USD 88
USD 70
+ Upto 7.00% Cashback
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Product Details

Smartykat® Scratch Not™ Anti Scratch Tape Deterrent For Cat WORLDWISE-SmartyKat Scratchnot Deterrent Barrier Tape. This is a safe and effective way to protect your furniture from kitty claws! Most cats dislike the tacky feel of ScratchNot tape on their paws and will learn to re-direct their scratching to more appropriate surfaces such as the SmartyKat Super Scratcher. This package contains one 18 foot roll of 2 inch wide tape. SmartyKat products are principally made from recycled, reclaimed, renewable and certified organic materials. Imported.

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