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Upto 7.00% Cashback

COA MB06 Baskerville Muzzle-6 - Beagle

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USD 138
USD 111
+ Upto 7.00% Cashback
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Product Details

COA MB06 Baskerville Muzzle-6 - Beagle Not all dogs are angels! Some are unreliable in the company of other dogs, others try to bite postmen or want to eat unmentionable things in the park! Safety must be our primary concern but not at the expense of welfare. The lightweight, basket design of the Baskerville Muzzle gives all-round protection but still allows unrestricted panting and drinking. Your dog feels comfortable and you have the security of being able to decide just what goes into his mouth! Ideal for the following uses:- Handling and grooming- Protection of wounds- Supervised freedom for assertive dogs- Preservation of valuables

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