Rubz! Puppy Soother This toy for puppies or small breed dogs will be the ideal item for that! Essential in the daily routine of a puppy or small breed dog, play stimulates their imagination, also has a de-stressing effect and prevents them from getting bored, especially when you are away from home. For the puppy, the game also reinforces his learning of good manners or listening to his master's requests. The ideal is to play it for at least an hour a day. Especially if you have a puppy who tends to be overweight! This shared activity will be the perfect opportunity to get him to move his little behind a little, run, fetch, in short, make him do a little sport while having fun! Be careful, however, not to exceed the limits of the puppy who can quickly tire. In addition, this chewing ring will be ideal for growing little teeth. Material: TPR Size: dia'8.5cm Color: pink, yellow, blue, green