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Upto 7.00% Cashback

Curli Vest Harness With Curli Clasp Softshell For Dogs - Red-Medium

Save 18%
USD 140
USD 115
+ Upto 7.00% Cashback
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Product Details

Curli Vest Harness With Curli Clasp Softshell For Dogs - Red-Medium Step-In Vest Harness for small to medium dogs. The Softshell harness came from a need for maximum protection and comfort for dogs that walk daily during cold weather.With our Alpine experience, it was clear to us that Softshell was the material of choice. Softshell is warming, wind resistant and water repellent, but you need know-how to process it. We learned a lot during its production. The material posed problems when it was fed into the sewing machine. Only after several attempts, did we find a suitable solution. The result is a vest harness with the warming and water-repellent properties of soft shell. Ideal for colder days.

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