Aqua One Phos Pad - Self Cut Filter Pad 25.4 W X 45.7Cm H Phos Pad - Self Cut Filter Pad 25.4W X 45.7cm HAqua One Filter Pads give the user the ability to cut and shape their pads to suit any filtration system, including: Hang onFilters, Canister Filters, Trickle/Mini Reef Systems, Top Filters, Internal Filters, Pond Filters and other Aquarium and Pondfiltration systems.The Aqua One PhosPad is a tightly woven chemical filter pad which absorbs phosphate from your aquarium water. Highphosphate levels within an aquarium is one major food source for algae. Phosphate builds up overtime as a result ofoverfeeding or poor quality fish food, lack of regular water changes and decaying plant matter. PhosPad is not a substitutefor good aquarium practices. PhosPad should be used as a preventative or treatment, not a cure for prolonged phosphateconcentrations in your aquarium.It is essential you replace the PhosPad after 4-6 weeks. The microscopic pores in the pad can fill up and release all thewaste previously collected, back into your aquarium.Active Ingredients:Copper & TiO2.Suitable for:Coldwater & Tropical