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Rexing B1 Compass Night Vision Binoculars 4K Ultra HD

Rexing B1 Compass Night Vision Binoculars 4K Ultra HD


+ 10.00% Cashback

USD 229.99 USD 119.99
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Product Details

Ultra High Definition 4K Resolution – Capture every moment with crystal-clear 4K (2160p) resolution. See vibrant details with the premium 25mm lens and TFTIPS display. IR Night Vision Technology – Advanced infrared night vision extends up to 1968 feet, enabling detailed observation in complete darkness. Integrated Digital Compass – Navigate and orient yourself in the wilderness with the built-in digital compass, enhancing your outdoor exploration and safety. 5x Digital Zoom – Get closer to your subject without sacrificing clarity. Perfect for wildlife watching and scenic details. Video Recording & Photo Capture – Easily switch between high-resolution photo capture and smooth video recording. Store content with flexible storage options (32G, 64G, 128G). Weather Resistant – Robust and durable, designed to withstand various weather conditions including rain, wind, and snow. Dual-Mode Flashlight – Features a constant light and a strobe light mode for navigating through darkness or signaling in emergencies. Multi-Functional – Enjoy additional features like album playback and language support for 12 countries, making it user-friendly worldwide. Extended Battery Life – Powered by a 5000mAh polymer lithium battery for long-lasting use in the field. 4 Display – A built-in LCD screen allows you to view your images/videos right on your device without needing to transfer files. You’ll be able to view your captures while still out in the wilderness, which can be helpful when tracking animals.


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