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Color Wow Dream Coat for Curly Hair 200ml

Color Wow Dream Coat for Curly Hair 200ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 134 AED 101
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Product Details

Achieve silky, glossy, perfectly defined curls with the Color WOW Dream Coat for Curly Hair; a super-light, alcohol-free formula that delivers all the combined benefits of outdated gels, serums and heavy creams, rolled into one. Enriched with the brand’s proprietary Elasta-flex™, a trifecta of powerful polymers, that works to moisturise, condition and de-frizz curly locks whilst restoring bounce and ensuring flexible, non-brittle endurance and glossy shine. The result of the ‘one-and-done’ styling solution for waves and spirals is perfectly bundled, hydrated, non-crunchy curls with supernatural shine. Suitable for curly and wavy hair - 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a and 3b hair types.


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