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Givenchy Irresistible Eau de Parfum 50ml & Travel Size Gift Set

Givenchy Irresistible Eau de Parfum 50ml & Travel Size Gift Set


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 441 AED 353
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Product Details

Expand your fragrance collection with the Givenchy Irresistible Eau de Parfum 50ml & Travel Size Gift Set, a luxurious duo that highlights the captivating floral-woody scent of Irresistible. Presented in an elegant gift box, this set is perfect for any occasion. Set Contents: Irresistible Eau de Parfum 50ml A romantic and uplifting fragrance, the Eau de Parfum blends the essence of rose with earthy blond wood to create a harmonious floral-woody composition. The contrasting aromas complement each other to form a multi-faceted scent that leaves a lasting impression. Irresistible Eau de Parfum 12.5ml Ideal for travel or touch-ups on the go, this compact version lets you carry your signature scent wherever you are.


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