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NEOM Essential Oil Blends 4 x 10ml

NEOM Essential Oil Blends 4 x 10ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 395 AED 277
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Product Details

Welcome a beautiful aroma into your home with this collection of NEOM Essential Oil Blends. Each 100% natural essential oil blend has the ability to nurture your body, support your mind and boost your wellbeing. Choose a scent depending on your mood, whether you're craving better sleep, want to de-stress or feel uplifted and energised. When added to your NEOM oil diffuser, a mist of natural fragrance is released into the air to create an uplifting atmosphere. Can also be added to a warm bath or massage oil.The Set Contains:Scent to Sleep Essential Oil (10ml)Infused with the Neom Tranquillity™ fragrance, a natural scent comprising 19 of the purest essential oils, including English Lavender, Sweet Basil and Jasmine.Scent to De-Stress Essential Oil (10ml)Infused with the brand's Real Luxury™ fragrance, a natural scent that fuses essential oils of Lavender, Jasmine and Brazilian Rosewood.Scent to Make You Happy Essential Oil (10ml)Infused with the brand's Happiness™ fragrance, a natural scent that fuses essential oils of Neroli, Mimosa and Lemon.Scent to Boost Your Energy Essential Oil (10ml)Infused with the brand's Feel Refreshed™ fragrance, a natural scent that fuses essential oils of Sicilian Lemon and Fresh Basil.


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