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OPI xPRESS/ON Dark Red Press On Nails Gel-Like Salon Manicure - Malaga Wine

OPI xPRESS/ON Dark Red Press On Nails Gel-Like Salon Manicure - Malaga Wine


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 76 AED 61
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Product Details

Achieve a quick, fuss-free manicure with OPI’s xPRESS/ON Nails. These professional quality fake nails offer a salon-worthy look that lasts up to 14 days. Each xPRESS/ON artificial nail kit puts professional quality shades, nail art designs, or innovative nail effects at your fingertips. Create your own custom look by mixing and matching different colours and designs. Each set includes nail glue, a cuticle stick, a dual nail file and buffer, an OPI prep pad, and 30 nails in different mani sizes to fit you perfectly


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