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NEOM Real Luxury De-Stress Intensive Skin Treatment Candle

NEOM Real Luxury De-Stress Intensive Skin Treatment Candle


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 340 AED 238
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Product Details

NEOM Organics Real Luxury™ Intensive Skin Treatment Candle has been specially formulated for dry, stressed skin. Nourishing cocoa butter is blended with soybean oil and almond oil to leave skin smooth and silky soft, whilst delivering therapeutic benefits for the mind and body. After blowing out the candle, the wax reaches the perfect temperature for application on to skin.With a delicate fragrance of twenty-four essential oils, including calming French lavender, luxurious jasmine and spicy Brazilian rosewood, the candle has been expertly blended to help you unwind and relax. Positively transforms the way you feel by relieving stress and lifting your mood. Ideal for aiding sleep or boosting energy. E.N.100% natural, ethically sourced and finely crafted in Britain from sustainable origins with absolutely no artificial ingredients.


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