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COSMEDIX Post Treatment Kit

COSMEDIX Post Treatment Kit


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 220 AED 154
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Product Details

This curated collection contains nourishing skincare that helps relieve sensitive skin by reducing the appearance of redness and helping to restore vital nutrients. This kit ensures that your skin is replenished and protected, so its natural recovery process is comfortable and your downtime after a peel is minimised. WHAT’S INSIDE? Benefit Clean | GENTLE CLEANSER Extra-gentle, sulfate-free, daily cleanser with nourishing effects. Great for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Cell ID | NUTRITIVE DEFENSE SERUM A restorative serum that helps in the proliferation of healthy skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of aging for a more youthful-looking appearance. C.P.R. | SKIN RECOVERY SERUM Miraculously kick-start recovery to revive dry, chapped, cracked and/or aging skin and reduce the appearance of redness. Hydrate+ | BROAD SPECTRUM SPF 17 MOISTURIZING SUNSCREEN A moisturizing, daily sunscreen with broad spectrum protection and antioxidants.


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