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Umberto Giannini Grow Scalp Scrub 250g

Umberto Giannini Grow Scalp Scrub 250g


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 65 AED 42
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Product Details

When caring for your hair and skin, the Umberto Giannini Grow Scalp Scrub ensures your scalp doesn’t become neglected. Going one step further than shampoo, the scrub works to remove build-ups as well as dead skin, buffing away at the top layers of your scalp without stripping away essential moisture or being excessively abrasive. Your hair will feel fresher than before with a squeaky clean finish that creates the perfect environment to maintain normal growth.Formulated with Umberto Giannini’s Gro-Complex, the scrub harnesses the power of botanicals to give your mane a healthier-looking finish. Enriched with Black Coffee Seed Extract and Caffeine, the scrub supports circulation for an invigorated sensation while Organic Pea Sprout Extract works in harmony with growth cycles. Marine Nutrients and Seaweed provide an essential burst of goodness to give your curls that lustrous look.Ideal for anyone suffering from a dry scalp, the scrub helps your hair to breathe easy. Freeing you from build-ups to unblock follicles, pair the scrub with your usual hair care routine to experience well-supported growth and balance.Free from silicones, parabens, and SLS/SLES.Suitable for vegans and cruelty-free.


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