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Umberto Giannini Grow Serum 75ml

Umberto Giannini Grow Serum 75ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 62 AED 40
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Product Details

Maintain normal hair growth with the Umberto Giannini Grow Serum, a formula that aims to create the perfect environment for your strands to thrive while fortifying your lengths. Leaving your locks with a lustrous, frizz-free finish, the serum makes for an ideal finishing touch to any styling routine. Caring for the feel of your strands as well as their look, the serum acts below the surface for a fortified appearance.Enriched with both Pro-Vitamin B5 and Vegetable Protein, the serum nourishes hair types that are prone to suffering from excess breakage. The Umberto Giannini Gro-Complex also features within the blend, containing a powerhouse of goodness that revitalises your mane. Caffeine and Black Coffee Seed Extract help to support natural circulation for an end result that seems energised while Marine Nutrients and Seaweed chip in with their strengthening properties. Organic Pea Sprout Extract is responsible for working alongside normal hair growth, helping to maintain balance for a healthier-looking head of hair. Whether you have curls or waves, each strand will be sleek, shiny and brimming with new life.Suitable for vegans and cruelty-free.


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