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Umberto Giannini Scalp Restore Scalp Reviving Anti-Dandruff Conditioner 250ml

Umberto Giannini Scalp Restore Scalp Reviving Anti-Dandruff Conditioner 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 55 AED 36
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Product Details

Dry, flaky scalps can wreak havoc on our hair, but Umberto Giannini’s anti-dandruff conditioner is on an express rescue mission. The vegan conditioner aims to create smooth, shiny, and above all, flake-free locks. Powered by natural oils and vitamins, the colour-safe formula helps to establish comfortable, healthy-looking tresses. Pineapple Enzymes are celebrated for their versatile benefits, working to promote softness and increase shine. As a bonus, this ingredient also scents locks with a lightweight, luscious fragrance. Suitable for all hair types, the treatment wraps every strand is its ultra-moisturising properties. The expert conditioner helps combat bacteria and dandruff as it balances scalps and smooths lengths. Expect a glossy, soothed mane, enhanced with a new lease of life.


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