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Umberto Giannini Weatherproof Curls Finishing Cream 75ml

Umberto Giannini Weatherproof Curls Finishing Cream 75ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 55 AED 36
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Product Details

Take control of your style with the Umberto Giannini Weatherproof Curls Finishing Cream, a formula designed to resist frizz, no matter the climate. Inspired by the unpredictability of the British weather, the finishing cream ensures you can look your best no matter what the great outdoors decides to throw at you. Designed to smooth, moisturise and condition, the cream is a must-have product when it comes to flexible styling.The finishing cream refines your curls, adding definition and hold that’s completely natural-looking and touchable. You’ll never experience feelings of crunchiness or stickiness thanks to this luxuriously lightweight formula that’s near-invisible when applied. It won’t weigh down your curls, ensuring you can hold onto your natural movement and volume. Come rain, hail or drizzle, you’ll be ready to shine all day.Suitable for vegans and cruelty-free.


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