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NEOM Black Pepper and Bergamot Essential Oil Blend 10ml

NEOM Black Pepper and Bergamot Essential Oil Blend 10ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 195 AED 137
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Product Details

A luxurious essential oil blend, NEOM’s Black Pepper and Bergamot fragrance has a balanced, reinvigorating scent. Powerful with a warm intensity, the mixture is rich and sophisticated, brimming with floral, fruity aromas that combine with a stable woodiness.Black Pepper adds a fiery undertone, conjuring spicy heat while Bergamot creates a cool crispness for a clean edge. A total of eleven precious oils merge, allowing sweet nuttiness to emerge from Cardamom Oil, adding a hint of smokiness while Cypress Oil that has been steam distilled blends with Nutmeg Oil’s earthiness.


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