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Umberto Giannini Curl Magic Repair Mask

Umberto Giannini Curl Magic Repair Mask


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 65 AED 42
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Product Details

Revive damaged curls with the Umberto Giannini Curl Magic Repair Mask. If you’ve used a bit too much heat, or a bit too much bleach – this mask is exactly what the doctor ordered. Naturally fuelled, this formula cares for your hair as nature intended, rejuvenating lacklustre locks.Enriched with Seaweed, the formula is packed with fatty acids that strive to visibly improve the hair’s natural barriers. This helps to improve split ends and condition the hair, leaving it softened. Wheat Bran builds resilience in the hair, protecting it against further damage while gracing the crown with a glossy shine. Sea Salt helps to soothe sensitive scalps, while Algae feeds moisture into the follicle. What’s more, Black Coffee strives to energise the scalp, promoting circulation to create the optimum environment for growth. Finally, Coconut Oil locks in the newfound moisture, securing nourishment to ensure long-lasting hydration.


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