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Umberto Giannini Grow Long Lengthening Conditioner 250ml

Umberto Giannini Grow Long Lengthening Conditioner 250ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 55 AED 36
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Product Details

Repair your hair with the Umberto Giannini Grow Long Lengthening Conditioner. Powered by a unique Caffeine-gro Complex, the conditioner is filled with hair-loving ingredients that create the optimum environment for growth. Proudly vegan and cruelty-free, the conscious brand infuses textured hair products with nourishing botanicals.Infused with Caffeine and Black Coffee Seed Extract, the formula promotes circulation in the scalp. What’s more, Organic Pea Sprout Extract supports hair growth and reinforces weak strands, revealing healthier-looking tresses. Finally, a blend of Seaweed and Marine Nutrients nurture and nourish the stands to leave them feeling stronger. Working in harmony, these potent ingredients help to repair, moisturise and strengthen brittle strands. Transforming the tresses from dry and dull to soft and silky, the formula helps to combat breakage.Vegan. Cruelty-free.


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