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Umberto Giannini Curl Jelly Shine Leave-In Conditioner 180ml

Umberto Giannini Curl Jelly Shine Leave-In Conditioner 180ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 65 AED 42
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Product Details

Working to create bouncier, glossier-looking curls, the Umberto Giannini Curl Jelly Moisture Leave-In Moisturiser is a multi-action formula designed to help prime, detangle and protect your lengths.The ultra-lightweight texture enriches curls with natural wheat protein and organic glycerin to bestow a high-shine effect, without weighing down curls. Acting as a primer, the leave-in conditioner enhances your natural curl pattern and promotes the look of smoother, sleeker curls. Topped off with heat protection, the high peromance formula helps to reduce damage caused by heat styling tools as well as acting as a hydrating detangler.


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