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Rodial Bee Venom Little Luxuries Kit

Rodial Bee Venom Little Luxuries Kit


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 350 AED 245
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Product Details

Revitalise and firm your complexion with Bee Venom Little Luxuries Set. Including Rodial’s hero skincare essentials to nourish the skin. Featuring the best-selling products from our Bee venom range. Your travel-friendly deluxe set delivers skin smoothing ingredients and award winning peptide technology to visibly improve skin tone and elasticity. This Kit Includes: Bee Venom Cleansing Balm (Mini Size - 20ml) Bee Venom Moisturiser (Mini Size - 15 ml) Bee Venom Jelly Eye Patches x 1 Bee Venom Eye Cream (Mini Size - 5ml)


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