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NEOM Perfect Night\'s Sleep 1 Wick Scented Candle

NEOM Perfect Night's Sleep 1 Wick Scented Candle


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 260 AED 182
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Product Details

Uplift your mood with the lavish Tranquillity Standard Scented Candle from NEOM Organics. Made with a burn time of 35 hours, the candle evokes a tranquil, rejuvenating fragrance with extracts of English lavender and sweet basil. Made from a complex blend of natural vegetable wax and the purest ingredients, it will relax the mind and body and promote a good night's sleep whilst indulging the senses. Completely free from toxins, the Tranquillity candle contains a large amount of pure essential oils which work to fill the air with natural goodness and natural scents. A soothing, luxurious aroma with hints of jasmine for a refreshing undertone, it's a must have for any home.


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