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Umberto Giannini Anti-Frizz Blow Out Frizz Cream 150ml

Umberto Giannini Anti-Frizz Blow Out Frizz Cream 150ml


+ Upto 10.50% Cashback

AED 70 AED 46
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Product Details

Umberto Giannini tackles unwanted flyaways and dry ends with the Anti-Frizz Blow Out Frizz Cream. Utilising KeraFUSION™ technology, a plant-based keratin alternative formulated using an up-cycled by-product of milk thistle, the styling cream helps to visibly strengthen and nourish the strands from the inside out. A rich blend of peptides, vitamin E and pro-vitamin b5 works to hydrate and smooth, signalling a sleek, glossy appearance.


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